DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Barat

Densitometer DEN-1 & DEN-1B Grant Instrument

Harga :
Rp. 1 / Unit
Merk :
Grant Instrument
Pembelian Minimal :
1 Unit
Pembelian Maksimal :
100 Unit
Pengiriman :
1 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Barat
Dilihat :
130 Kali
Update Terakhir :
02-12-2019 22:46

Detail Produk

DEN-1 & DEN-1B Densitometer Grant Instrument


The Grant bio DEN-1 and DEN-1B are a compact benchtop densitometers ( suspension turbidity meter ) for measuring turbidity of cell suspensions in a variety of life science applications.

The densitometers are designed and factory calibrated to measure turbidity in the range of 0.5 to 4.0 McFarland units ( DEN-1 ) 0.0 to >7.5 McFarland units ( DEN-1B ) with a small standard deviation. If required, it can deliver a wider measurement range ( up to 15.00 McFarland units ), but with a greater standard deviation.

Measurement range

0.5 to 4.0 McFarland units (DEN-1), 0.0 to >7.5 McFarland units ( DEN-1B )

Measurement time

1 second


±3 %

Readings, conveniently shown in McFarland units, are clearly visible on the bright LED display

Factory calibrated - retains calibration without power supply

Can be user calibrated with commercial standards or  cell suspensions prepared in the laboratory

Designed for tubes with an outer diameter of 18 mm. 16 mm tubes can also be accommodated by using the

optional tube adaptor D-16

Extremely compact design with small footprint and low profile - fits easily into the smallest workspace

DEN-1b - either battery powered by 3 x AAA or via external power supply





Dimensions ( h x d x w )

75 x 115 x 165 mm

75 x 115 x 165 mm

Temperature range

+4 to 40ºC

+4 to 40ºC

Light source




565 ±15Inm

565 ±15Inm

Range ( McFarland units )

0.3 to 15.0

0.00 to 15.00




Measurement time

1 sec

1 sec

Tube diameter - external diameter

18 mm

18 mm

Tube diameter-with D16 adapter

16 mm

16 mm

Sample volume

>2 ml

>2 ml

Display/display resolution

LED/0.1 McF

LCD/0.01 McF

Independent power supply


3 x AA batteries

External Power supply

Input AC 120-230V, 50/60Hz

Input AC 120-230V, 50/60Hz

Output DC 12V

Output DC 12V

Power consumption - 230 V

1W ( 0.08A )

0.1W ( 0.007A )

Power consumption - 120 V


0.7 kg

0.7 kg


Life science - typical applications include determining concentration of cells ( bacterial and yeast cells ) in the fermentation process, detecting the susceptibility of micro-organisms to antibiotics, identifying micro-organisms with various test systems, and measuring optical density at fixed wavelength.

Optional accessories

Part No



Set of liquid McFarland standards in 16mm ø glass tubes. 0.5/1.0/2.0/3.0/4.0 can be decanted into an alternative tube ( shelf-life no longer valid ). Requires D16 adaptor,supplies with DEN-1/DEN-1B


Spare tube adaptor for tubes with 16 mm outer diameter

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