DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Barat

Hygiena MicroSnap E Coli, Coliform & Enterobacteriaceae

Harga :
Rp. 1 / Box
Merk :
Pembelian Minimal :
1 Box
Pembelian Maksimal :
100 Box
Pengiriman :
1 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Barat
Dilihat :
616 Kali
Update Terakhir :
02-12-2019 23:01

Detail Produk

Hygiena MicroSnap E Coli Total Viable Count Coliform & Enterobacteriaceae

MicroSnap E. coli

MicroSnap E. coli is a rapid test for detection  and enumeration of Escherichia coli. The test uses a novel bioluminogenic reaction that generates light when enzymes  that are characteristic of E .coli bacteria react with specialized substrates. The light generating signal is then quantified in the EnSURE luminometer. Results are available in 8 hours or less, depending upon required level of detection. Single figure organisms can be detected in 8 hours, delivering results in the same working day or shift.


6 hour quantitative results ( CFU counts )

8 hour presence/absence results

Broad CFU detection  range ( 10 – 10,000 CFU ) means fewer dilutions and less sample prep saving time and money

Suitable for product or environmental samples

Pass/Fail result at required detection levels are easy to understand

Uses common microbiology sample preparation for product samples

Same day results allow for timely corrective action

In-house testing reduces costs from outside lab fees

AOAC Research Institute Performance Tested Method ( #071302 )

12 month shelf life at refrigerated temperatures ( 2 - 8 °C )

Sensitivity & Specificity

Detects down to <10 CFU in 8 hours or less

MicroSnap E. coli detects Escherichia coli bacteria

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Catalog No.




MicroSnap Coliform  & E. coli Enrichment Device



MicroSnap Coliform  & E. coli Enrichment Broth



MicroSnap E.coli Detection Device



EnSURE is an easy-to-use, hand-held,  high-sensitivity luminometer that measures multiple quality tests such as ATP, TVC, Coliform, E. coli, and more all on one system. The system includes SureTrend data  tracking software to record, trend and analyze test results

MicroSnap Coliform

MicroSnap Coliform is a rapid test for detection  and enumeration of Coliform bacteria. Results are available in 8 hours or less. MicroSnap Coliform detects down to 1-10 CFU of Coliform bacteria

MicroSnap Total

MicroSnap Total delivers total viable organism test results in 7 hours, giving you the   advantage of knowing microbial levels in the same working day or shift. MicroSnap Total detects down to <100 CFU of Gram positive and Gram negative aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria

MicroSnap Enterobacteriaceae ( EB )

MicroSnap EB delivers TVC test results in 7 hours, giving you the advantage of knowing microbial levels in the same working day or shift. MicroSnap EB detects down to 50 CFU Enterobacteriaceae bacteria and can be used as an indicator for Salmonella spp

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Catalog No.




EnSURE Monitoring System with SureTrend Software


See catalog

MicroSnap Coliform


See catalog

MicroSnap Total


See catalog

MicroSnap Enterobacteriaceae


MicroSnap Total Viable Count

MicroSnap Total is a rapid test for the detection  and enumeration of total viable bacteria in 7 hours or less. The test uses a novel bioluminogenic test reaction that generates light when viable bacteria are present. The light generating signal is then quantified with the EnSURE luminometer. MicroSnap Total’s same day results enable immediate  corrective action to be taken if necessary. MicroSnap Total is AOAC-RI PTM Validated for a variety of food matrices. ( Lic # 031501 )

Benefits :

Results in 7 hours  or less

Broad CFU detection  range ( 100-10,000 CFU ) means fewer dilutions and less sample prep saving time and money

Suitable for product or environmental samples

Pass/Fail result at required detection  levels are easy to understand

Quantitative results ( CFU counts )

Uses common microbiology sample preparation for product samples

Equivalent results to other culturing methods

In-house testing reduces  costs from outside lab fees

AOAC-RI PTM validated ( #031501 )

12 month shelf life at refrigerated temperatures ( 2 – 8 °C )

Sensitivity & Specificity

Detects down to <100 CFU in 7 hours

Detects Gram positive and Gram negative aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria

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Catalog No.




MicroSnap Total TVC Enrichment Device



MicroSnap Total TVC Detection Device



EnSURE is a high-sensitivity luminometer that measures multiple quality tests such as ATP, TVC, Coliform, E. coli and more all on one system. The system  includes SureTrend data tracking software to record, trend and analyze test results.

MicroSnap Coliform & E. coli

MicroSnap Coliform and E. coli are rapid tests for detection  and enumeration of Coliform and E. coli bacteria. Results down to 1-10 CFU are available in 8 hours or less

MicroSnap Enterobacteriaceae ( EB )

MicroSnap EB delivers EB test results in 7 hours, giving you the advantage of knowing microbial levels in the same working day or shift. MicroSnap EB detects down to 50 CFU Enterobacteriaceae bacteria and can be used as an indicator for Salmonella spp

Order Information

Catalog No.




EnSURE Monitoring System with SureTrend Software


See catalog

MicroSnap Coliform


See catalog

MicroSnap E. coli


See catalog

MicroSnap Enterobacteriaceae


MicroSnap Enterobacteriaceae

MicroSnap EB is a rapid test for detection  and enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae ( EB ) bacteria. The test uses a novel bioluminogenic reaction that generates light when EB bacteria are present. The light generating signal is then quantified in the EnSURE luminometer. Organisms are detected in 6 – 8 hours, enabling MicroSnap EB to give results in the same working day or  shift.


6 - 7 hour quantitative results ( CFU counts )

8 hour qualitative results ( presence/absence )

Broad CFU detection  range ( 0 – 50,000 CFU ) means fewer dilutions and less sample prep saving time and money

Suitable for product or environmental samples

Uses common microbiology sample preparation for product samples

Same day results allow for timely corrective action

In-house testing reduces costs from outside lab fees

12 month shelf life at refrigerated temperatures ( 2 – 8 °C )

Sensitivity & Specificity

Detects 0 – 50,000 CFU in 6 - 8 hours

MicroSnap EB detects species within the Enterobacteriaceae family including indicator organisms and potential pathogens

Order Information

Catalog No.




MicroSnap Enterobacteriaceae Enrichment Device



MicroSnap Enterobacteriaceae Detection Device



EnSURE is a high-sensitivity luminometer that measures multiple quality tests such as ATP, TVC, Coliform, E. coli, and more all on one system. The system  includes SureTrend data  tracking software to record, trend and analyze test results.

MicroSnap Coliform & E. coli

MicroSnap Coliform and E. coli are rapid tests for detection  and enumeration of Coliform and E. Coli bacteria. Results down to 1-10 CFU are available in 8 hours or less.

MicroSnap Total

MicroSnap Total delivers total viable organisms test results in 7 hours, giving you the advantage of knowing microbial levels in the same working day or shift. MicroSnap Total detects down to <100 CFU of Gram positive and Gram negative aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria.

InSite Listeria

InSite Listeria detects the presence of Listeria species in a simple colorimetric swab test. With actionable results in as little as 30 hours, InSite Listeria delivers results sooner so products  may be released faster while saving time and money. InSite Listeria brings environmental Listeria species results in house, savings thousands in lab fees.

Order Information

Catalog No.




EnSURE Monitoring System with SureTrend Software


See catalog

MicroSnap Coliform and E. coli


See catalog

MicroSnap Total TVC



InSite Listeria Rapid Environmental Listeria Test


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